
ReviewBot is a bot designed to let users provide reviews on servers, bots, services, and much more! You can easily & rapidly gather member comments on almost everything in your server using ReviewBot.

Website Support Server Invite Vote Review

Prefix: /
Category: Utility
Guilds: 0
Votes: 0


ReviewBot is a bot designed to let users provide reviews on servers, bots, services, and much more! You can easily & rapidly gather member comments on almost everything in your server using ReviewBot.

Owners and staff may gather feedback on their servers, bots, services, and more with the help of ReviewBot, a single-purpose bot that focuses on reviews.

Website: Privacy Policy: Support Server:

Global Commands

/help - Get help regarding the bot. /settings - View the servers configurated settings. /bot - Get the bot information. /vote - Get the bots upvote links.

Configuration Commands

/config-channel [#channel] - Set the channel for reviews to be sent in. /config-title <title> - Set a custom title for the review embeds. /config-style [style] - Set whether the rating's are sent in Numbers or Stars. /config-color - /reset-reviews - Completely reset your servers configurations .

General Commands

/review <message> <rating> [anonymous] - Send a review in the server.


User Stars Review