
AxolOS: The only bot you need for a party.

Support Server Invite Vote Review

Prefix: / (slash commands)
Category: Multi, Giveaway, Mod, Utility, Fun, Economy
Guilds: 0
Votes: 0


AxolOS is a versatile and powerful Discord bot designed to enhance your server experience. It takes the concept of other popular bots and makes everything feel more casual, human, and easy to access. Packed with a wide array of features, it caters to various needs, from moderation, to fun & games, to just simply keeping everything organised.

Some of the Key Features of AxolOS:

  • Moderation: Keep your server in check with an array of moderation tools, including chat purge, ban, and mute commands.
  • Giveaways: Engage your server with cool prizes for simple tasks, a great way to avoid people becoming too inactive.
  • Reaction Roles: Spice up your server with unique roles to highlight categories of people, such as players of certain games.
  • Event Hosting: Host events with ease using the AxolOS designed system to help publically plan events without trouble being caused.
  • Economy: Use our very own economy system where members opt in to participate by creating their own balance, avoiding clutter in our leaderboard of people who don't choose to use this system.
  • Dungeons and Dragons: For anyone who wants to set up D&D campaigns in their server, we have a bot designed system to help with digitally playing it.

Whether you're running a gaming community, a study group, a hub for a content creator, or just a place to hang out, AxolOS is here to elevate your Discord server to new heights.

Get started by inviting AxolOS to your server and explore the endless possibilities!

Invite AxolOS to your server here

Join our AxolOS Support Server should you wish to here


User Stars Review