39 the bunny

Hi, I am 39. I will be a douchebag in your server with games and fun.

Invite Vote Review

Prefix: 39!
Category: Fun
Guilds: 0
Votes: 0


Hi, I am 39 the bunny and I can be a dougebag in your server

39 has returned in a new Discord Bot form. Now more rude and stupid than ever. Based on Five Nights with 39.

Here is what I can do

  • I trash talk when you mention me
  • I announce new Joins and Leaves with my dougebag behaviour
  • Interact with me
  • Play games with me (I will probably whine and cry if I lose and be a spoiled sport)
  • No NSFW Content

Bot made by Idiot Creature Hater Studios. The same creators of the Meowbahh and Anti-Idiot bots

DISCLAIMER: This bot was made for giggles and laughs. Please do not take anything I say seriously


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