Unlimited Bot Unlimited Bot


unlimited-bot.xyz Invite

Unlimited Bot is a utility bot that makes it easier to run lots of commands.

UnlimitedBot Unlimited Bot is a utility bot that makes it easier to run lots of commands.

Purpose of the bot Facilitate the execution of many moderation commands, music, and many more!

Commands ⚙️ | Management - (1)


⚙ 👮 | Moderation - (6)

ban, kick, mute, purge, unban, unmute

⚙ 🎵 | Music - (20)

afk, join, loop, lyrics, nowplaying, pause, play-sound, play, playlist, queue, remove, resume, search, shuffle, skip, skipto, speed, stop, triggered, volume

⚙ 🚀 | Miscellaneous - (22)

author, badges, bot-info, bug, coronavirus, discord, emotes, feedback, help, invite, membercount, minecraft-skin, ping, pingfast, poll, roles, server-icon, server-info, system, uptime, user-info, vote

⚙ 🎉 | Fun - (28)

8ball, addisonrae, animals, ascii-art, avatar, bellapoarch, belledelphine, bird, cat, charlidamelio, coinflip, dice, dog, emmanuelmacron, facepalm, fox, joke, laugh, love, meme, panda, pikachu, random-number, randomcolor, reverse, send-message, wasted, zaglo

⚙ 🟩 | Experience - (4)

addxp, leaderboard, level, removexp


Unlimited Bot Invite

Unlimited Bot Support Server

Unlimited Bot Website


The bot needs Administrator permission to perform moderation commands (Bans, kick and others). You don't have to give it Administrator permission, but the bot will not have access to moderation commands.

Owner: 0xmycat
Prefix: un!
Category: Mod
Guilds: ???
Last Ping: N/A

Developer/User Actions

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None Provided



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