Ban Database

Ban Database is a Discord Utility Bot designed to warn your staff team when a member joins that is banned in our database.

Support Server Invite Vote Review

Prefix: b. [configurable]
Category: Utility
Guilds: ???
Votes: 0

Ban Database


Ban Database was created to have a global platform where you can flag users globally if they did anything from DM Advertisements to Harassment of members. This feature helps out all other servers that Ban Database is a part of, helping to warn their staff team of a member that is a known rule-breaker so they can be alert or give a moderation action if they have been flagged in the database for something bad.

How to Setup:

1) Run the command b.setup. 2) Respond to all configuration messages. 3) Run the command b.config and confirm and it is correct. Setup Completed! Get warnings instantly when someone joins your server that is flagged in our database.

Ban Database Commands: // View this message // Check bot response time

b.invite // Get bot invite link // Get bot support

b.add // Add a member into the Ban Database // Get info about a member in the Ban Database

b.prefix // View and change server prefix

b.setup // Setup server config

b.config // View server config
