
Boomerang Rosalina has commands ranging from stats commands to moderation commands and more

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Prefix: br;
Category: Utility
Guilds: ???
Votes: 0

Boomerang Rosalina

Boomerang is your friendly moderation bot with various moderation commands to use. However, thats not all I can do. I also have stats commands and even MORE various other commands.


  • br/help - Its full commands list
  • br/ping - Gets the latency of the bot
  • br/privacy - Its privacy Policy
  • br/slowmode - Adjusts slowmode of the channel
  • br/lock - Locks a text channel for @ everyone
  • br/unlock - Unlocks a text channel for @ everyone
  • br/clear - Clears a certain amount of messages
  • br/kick - Kicks a member from the server
  • br/ban - Bans a member from the server
  • br/serverinfo - Information about your server
  • br/userinfo - Information about yourself or a particular member
  • br/checkperms - Bot tells you the permissions you have
  • br/eightball - Ask the magic eightball things
  • br/say - Make the bot say stuff

FEEDBACK Feedback is always welcome. If you have any feedback you wish to send to the developers, join our support server which is located at br/invite or use the br/feedback command followed by your message (your feedback) to send straight the bot developers

MORE FEATURES IN THE FUTURE? The bot plans to have more features in the future. If you have any suggestions, feel free to join our support server or use the br/feedback command to send your suggestions to the developers

insert stuff here


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